The One Infertility Certainty…It Sucks!

Today has been a little rough. As if a vaginal ultrasound probe invading my private space wasn’t enough…I was informed that my uterine lining wasn’t quite thick enough to proceed with our scheduled frozen embryo transfer next week. I have been counting down the days. I have been mentally preparing myself for the emotions of an embryo transfer, but I wasn’t prepared for my body to throw out a “stall” tactic.

Postponing an embryo transfer may not sound like a big deal, but when it includes a 10 hour, one-way road trip; your mother-in-law taking time off of work and driving 5 hours one-way to watch your daughter; your husband canceling surgeries and patient visits; and having just the right amount of meds to stay on schedule…well, you can imagine the complications of rearranging everything last-minute!

I am remembering why IVF and infertility is so explicably HARD! It is filled with uncertainties, unknowns, changes, what if’s, when’s, how’s, please help, NO’s, and reschedules. I HATE uncertainty. I’m not a control freak, but I do like the comfort and reassurance that a schedule and plan can bring. I was ready for next Thursday. I was prepared to get pregnant. Now, I’m told that I have to wait at least another week…but, that’s not even certain. And, even after all of this…a successful transfer and implantation isn’t guaranteed. Pregnancy isn’t guaranteed. Carrying a baby to a full term delivery isn’t guaranteed. What is guaranteed is that infertility SUCKS! But, I am more than infertile. I have a fertile faith, a fertile marriage, a fertile love for my miracle daughter, and a fertile hope that in spite of it all, I will become a stronger person through it all.

P.S. And, yes, the picture here of my two-year old was from today too!!! We were all a little emotional.



Juicy Baked Cranberry Chicken that Will Give Every Turkey a Run For the Oven:

What?? NO TURKEY!! You read it right. If you don’t have time to cook a big bird in the oven this year…I’ve got a tasty solution that will challenge this holiday tradition! It’s quick. It’s easy. It’s extra tasty! No, it isn’t Tofurky. I tried that. I spit that out. I never tried that again. Sorry, just being honest! This recipe is an all-time favorite in our house. Not sure where it originated from other than my mom’s kitchen. She’s always throwing something amazing together!Diptic

Juicy Baked Cranberry Chicken that Will Give Every Turkey a Run For the Oven: 

1- 1 1/2 packages of boneless skinless chicken breast (all natural. no hormones added. organic preferred). You can use about 4-6 chicken breasts.

2 cans of whole cranberry sauce

1 package of dry onion soup mix

1 bottle of either French, Creamy French, or Catalina or Creamy Catalina salad dressing

4 ingredients! Diptic

Let’s Make Supper! 

Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Wash your chicken breasts. In a medium to large baking dish combine your cranberry sauce, your onion soup mix packet, and your full bottle of salad dressing. Mix until well combined. Next add your chicken breasts to the dish and cover them completely with your sauce. Cover your dish with either a lid or aluminum foil and place in the oven. Bake for about 45 minutes or until the chicken is fully cooked. Delicious!!!Diptic

Serve with a green been casserole and stuffing. Thanksgiving is served!






Mustache Fashion and Play-for all the gals and tots out there!




1) 2) 3) 45) 6) 7)

OH, Yes!!!! Every Babe can rock a mustache! (Gals and babies included). I’ve just picked a few of my favorite inspirations to feature here, but check out my MUSTACHE STORE and The Mom in Me, MD on Pinterest for more great ideas! Movember is almost over, but it is never too late to support a great cause! Who wouldn’t want mustache cookie cutters, a toy shaving kit, a super cute shirt, or a pair of Movember TOMS SHOES!




Freshly Picked Moccasin #Giveaway from The Mom in Me, MD

Little feet…Tiny Toes…Precious piggies! Other than a zillion kisses, what else could they need? Umm, the perfect pair of little moccasins handmade by Freshly Picked...of course! Don’t even get me started on these adorable little shoes. I am so in love that I’m falling head over heels. If only they came in mommy sizes!Heirloom_1_grande

When you think moccasins you may be envisioning a typical brown suede or leather slip on; And, while Freshly Picked definitely has that look down, they have added a little more edge, a little more sparkle, a little more glam, and a little more rad to these trendy, soft-soled shoes.Camo_1_0df3404b-95c8-46cc-8749-9177ebad36f3_1024x1024 wc_FPSS14_BornInTheUSAMocc_5181_1024x1024 wc_FreshlyPickedMoccs_201311_600PX_1188_1024x1024

One word sums it up…”SWOON!” Not only are these shoes comfy, they stay on wiggly little feet incredibly well (perfect for infants!). They add a fun touch to photos, are the perfect newborn baby gift, and double as an indoor house slipper (or ballet slipper) for toddlers. I may just have to start a collection in every print, color and style! I can feel a new addiction coming on!photo 1

Thanks to Freshly Picked’s generosity, Ayla got her first pair free (she asked for a photo shoot in them today). That of course didn’t influence my opinion. I call baby fashion like I see it! Now I just need a little man to dress up! The boy moccasins are TO DIE FOR too! photo 2

And, just because Freshly Picked is so AMAZING they have offered to give away one pair of moccasins in any style or size to a Mom in Me, MD reader!!!!! Yep! That’s YOU!  Simply click on this link to Enter to Win a Rafflecopter giveaway. THIS GIVEAWAY HAS ENDED. CONGRATS HEATHER SIDWELL!IMG_8314




The “Skinny” on a Pasta Primavera that’s Healthy, Fast, and Delicious!

I may not be Italian, but this girl knows how to eat pasta! When I was 22 weeks pregnant my husband and I travelled to Italy for three weeks. And, while my love affair with pasta was dreamy at first, after three weeks I was longing for anything but noodles and sauce! Thankfully, my appetite for pasta has recovered, but I still attribute my last few stubborn pounds of extra baby weight to an excess pasta intake! Should I skip it all together and never feed my noodle cravings? Absolutely not! Solution…Pasta Primavera on the Skinny! This version is oil free, packed with veggies, and boasts a whole grain noodle! Choose the vegetarian version by skipping on the chicken that I’ve added below. Little Italy here we come!Iphone 1045 Iphone 1033

Pasta Primavera on the Skinny:

1 can of Hunt’s Basil, Garlic, and Oregano Diced Tomatoes

1/2 cup dried cherries (Michigan Cherries are preferred:)

2 cups fresh spinach

1 zucchini chopped

1 yellow squash chopped

1/2 tsp garlic salt

1/2 tsp garlic powder

1/4 cup freshly ground parmesan cheese

1 box whole wheat linguine

1 Rotisserie Chicken breast chopped or 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts cut into pieces

The Skinny on how to make the best Pasta Primavera that won’t expand your waistline: 

Noodles: Start your noodles first because it may take a little while to get your water boiling. Fill a pot 2/3 full with water. Add 1 tsp salt. Bring to boil. Add noodles and let boil until tender. Drain water. SKIP the OIL TOSS!DipticDiptic

Sauce: Start by using a non-stick skillet. This way you won’t have to add any oil! Next, wash your chicken breasts, and cut them into small chunks. Cook them almost completely/or completely in your non-stick skillet on medium-high heat before adding the other ingredients. (if you are using pre-cooked rotisserie chicken then skip this step. Simply cut the rotisserie chicken breast into chunks that you can add into your sauce toward the end. Start by cooking your squash as your first step and then follow the remainder of the steps as listed below) Stir fairly frequently to prevent burning. Once your chicken is cooked, add your zucchini and your squash. Cook this for about 5 minutes to allow your squash to soften a little before adding the entire can of diced tomatoes (juice included). Stir. Next add your garlic powder, garlic salt, fresh spinach, and lastly your dried cherries. Stir it all together and let simmer for a good 15-20 minutes or until the squash is fully cooked. Now add half of your parmesan cheese to the sauce and mix. Put your noodles on a plate and top with your sauce. Sprinkle the remaining parmesan on top. Delicious!!!! Hand me a spoon and a fork to twirl. Let’s Eat!Diptic

Ciao! From,



Priceless Tips for Creating a “Perfect” Home…Move Aside #Pinterest

My Confession

As a mom, a professional, and a wife I am constantly bombarded with reminders of my inability to keep a perfect home. Not only am I falling short, my daily life compared to Pinterest, InStyle Magazine, and Good House Keeping (just to name a few standards) suggests that I’m falling flat on my face! I wistfully glance at impeccably styled living rooms where curtains are hung at just the right hight, televisions are beautifully framed and mounted over a crackling fireplace, and dust is thought to be a myth. I stare at playroom inspiration boards perplexed by how the toys manage to magically stay in their cubbies, color coordinated and germ free. I feel the pressure to create a perfect home, to host perfect parties, to cook perfect meals, and to be perfectly organized. This pressure leaves me feeling irritable and defeated by the piles of laundry, the stacks of dishes, the dust bunnies under the beds, the crusty remnants of last night’s dinner glued to my hardwood floors (compliments of my 2-year-old), and the white walls waiting to be painted the perfect shade and adorned by the perfect picture. Am I the only one?Portrait Of Happy Young Couple Sitting On Floor Looking Up While

My Mommy Wake Up Call

I don’t live in a Pinterest perfect world. None of us do. So why as moms (when we are sleep deprived; covered in spit-up, or boogies, or poo {or all of the above}; lucky to get a shower three times a week; and attached to a piece of heavy machinery {aka a breast pump}, or a screaming little urchin, or a toddler in the middle of a melt-down…why do we hold ourselves to such unrealistic standards and expectations? Perfection may be attainable at some point (though I highly question anyone’s ability to have consistent perfection), but definitely not in a house with colicky infants, potty-training toddlers, and secondary infertility mothers undergoing IVF treatments…yet again.Mother holding her crying baby

When I think back to my childhood, my best memories are of moments we spent together in our tiny, one-bathroom home, sitting on an outdated couch while my mother read to us each evening, listening to my father’s voice sing me to sleep while we rocked in a hand-me-down chair, finger painting with shaving cream on an old glass tabletop, and making homemade noodles on a laminate counter-top. I love these moments not because the decor was on-trend or the living room was free of clutter; I love these moments because they were filled with love. There is nothing wrong with visual beauty, a clean home, or a designer kitchen; but, when these become the focal point instead of the people, then a house is just a house and no longer a home.Lovely mother and daughter feeding gooses on the lake

Instead of focusing on perfecting the appearance of our homes, what would things look like if we focused on perfecting the tone or feeling that our homes exude? Where does that perfect tone come from in the first place…the marble countertops and stainless steel appliances? Of course not, it comes from us. It comes from our tensionless smiles that greet our husbands and children when they walk through the front door. It comes from the time that we spend playing with them when we could be doing a thousand “more productive” things.

Is my home more than just a place of physical beauty? Is it filled with love that I have fashioned out of time spent, hugs given, kisses planted, and hope served? Is it a place of comfort, where pillows are playfully thrown instead of perfectly placed; clean (or dirty) laundry is left piled so that puzzle pieces can be carefully matched by my guiding hand. Is it a place of creativity where glitter glue (smeared on just about EVERYTHING) is seen as a touch of sparkly beauty; and a place of imagination where stuffed bunnies, bears, and wooden dogs are allowed to host tea parties in every room all at the same time? Is it a place of peace, where the tone in our voices fills the imperfect and toy cluttered rooms with a beautiful warmth, a warmth that even the most perfect of pinable pictures can’t capture?summer holidays, family, children and people concept - happy mot

And, so, I’ve decided to give myself a break from unrealistic expectations. I like the idea of a gorgeous house that is always immaculate, but I LOVE the idea of a warm home that is filled with love, laughter, faith, and hope. I want my daughter to value the most important things in life-things that can’t be bought, styled or baked-things that can only be cultivated by time spent together. I want my daughter to value generosity, kindness, compassion, honesty and humility. I want her to be slow to anger and quick to forgive. I want her to know that our home is a safe place to be imperfect and vulnerable-a place to grow into something better.Business man house in human hands

My Mommy Aha’s and Resolutions

So, in an effort to keep my sanity and to let myself off of the hook a little more, I’ve created a list of Aha ‘s and Resolutions for this coming year. Check it out HERE!




Letting the Simple Joys in Life Warm Your Heart in the Midst of Infertility

Life isn’t always easy. These days, infertility is on my brain…all the time. Surgery, road trips to my specialist, daily injections, countless pills, transvaginal ultrasounds, upcoming embryo transfers, GIANT medical bills, and IV lines that take 3-4 attempts (I’ve got the bruises to prove it!) etc. etc. I wish that I could say that I handle it all with grace each day, but I’ve got mood swings that could rival any menopausal woman! I try to blame it on the hormones, but I’m fairly sure that stress is playing a significant part in how I feel each day. Instead of getting bitter with my journey, I’m trying (key word being “trying”) to shift my focus onto the many blessings, triumphs, and simple joys that fill my daily life.Diptic Diptic

This may sound trite or like I’m trying to push my pain under the rug-neither of which are the case. I’m still letting myself grieve, get mad, get frustrated, vent, and cry over the journey that is before me, but I’m also choosing to see the beautiful things that are happening right now. I don’t want to be so consumed with infertility that I alienate my husband, ignore my friends, and forget the answered prayer (in the form of a precious two-year old side-kick) that is begging for my undivided attention.

So, I thought that I would highlight my most recent simple joys. Make a list of your own. It doesn’t make everything okay…but, it does shine a little light in the darkness. I will take every glimmer that I can get!

1. Being able to laugh at the little creatures who are already in my house


2. Being amazed that my dog is okay with being a pet pony most daysDiptic

3. Loving that I have someone to help me with my hat!Diptic

4. Getting to play hide and seek with a masterDiptic

5. Ending the day with the most amazing husband a girl could ask for (even if I make him feel like he couldn’t possibly understand what I’m going through)!

6. Going out to dinner as a family (without a baby sitter:) because it makes things so much more interesting when pasta sauce is everywhere! And, knowing that my husband will shave his mustache when MOVEMBER is over!!!!! Diptic

7. Figuring out inexpensive and creative ways to have fun together while on an infertility budget! Who knew that kicking a ball in the backyard on a chilly day could make all three of us giggle?

I haven’t perfected dealing with infertility, but I’m doing my best to keep living a full life in the midst of it! For more on my infertility journey, don’t forget to head to my home page and click on the INFERTILITY link.




This Mommy’s Aha’s and Resolutions to Defy Pinterest Perfection

1. Glitter Glue, finger paints, and crayons are not my enemies! I will embrace them and will allow my daughter to squeeze, smudge, scribble, and CREATE to her little heart’s desire. I will smile at the beautiful clutter adorning my fridge, my countertops, and yes, even my floors.

2. Clothes were meant to get dirty. If they stay in a laundry room pile for a week (let’s be honest…or three) because instead I’ve been sitting on the floor reading the 1000th book to my little one’s delight, I will smile at my time management choices and embrace the challenge of finding clean underwear.

3. Not every meal was meant to be gourmet (I know some of you disagree!). A simple healthy dinner is a luxury in many homes around the world. If I am only able to put steamed vegetables, unseasoned rice, and store-bought rotisserie chicken on the plate, because I spent my “cooking time” playing dress-up, wiping tears, or yes, even giving myself a moment to breathe, I will not criticize the simplicity or apologize for its lack of gourmet appeal.

4. Time around the table is more important than the table itself. Instead of wishing for a prettier, more size appropriate kitchen table, I will focus on the joy that I find from the people sitting next to me.

5. Every party doesn’t have to look like it was hosted by Martha Stewart. The joy is in the company not the decorations or food (I say that somewhat half believing it!)

6. Less stuff means fewer things to dust! It’s okay that every room is not full of perfectly placed furniture.

7. Toys were meant to be played with (maybe not all at the same time…but). I will not have a conniption when I see them strewn about the house even if I have to pick them up 20 times in the same day.

8. Catalogues all end up in the recycling bin. The pictures may be perfect, but in the end every catalogue ends up in shreds. I will be encouraged by the fact that my house looks pretty good in comparison to shreds!

9. Pinterest has nothing on me! I will remind myself that I am more essential in this world than any pretty idea. Not only can I create beautiful moments, I can inspire others, grow life, save lives, show love, honor honesty, instill integrity, and foster character. My life may not be picture perfect, but it’s the rough edges that make it worth writing about!

P.S. Pinterest I really do love you!!!!! xoxo!




3 Reasons Every Girl Should Love a Mustache this November!

The Trucker, The After Eight, The Rock Star, The Regent-you guessed it-the mustache! If you’ve been wondering why the mustache (The “Mo”) has become the raddest look in town this November, one word says it all, “Movember!” This non-profit has created a Men’s Health Awareness Campaign that is rocking the faces of men across the globe. And, while mustaches may not be on the top of your wish list this fall (I usually loath them), here are three reasons to fall in love with them this November.

1. Mustaches can change the face of men’s health!

2. Mustaches can improve men’s moods!

3. Mustaches can catch, treat, and even prevent depression, testicular cancer, and prostate cancer…saving men’s lives!

Join the Movember movement this November. It’s simple. Join a team, grow a mustache (a “Mo”), and raise awareness and money for men’s health. Back the trolley up (I’m trying out some new mustache inspired lingo)! What about all of the women and children out there who want to raise awareness? Not to worry. The Mom in Me, MD has some great tips on how you can get involved too! Movember isn’t just for men.Cute Hipster Teenage Girl With Mustache, Retro Styled Imagery

As women, we are the primary force driving health care in our homes. We make the appointments. We keep track of when the next well child visit, annual wellness exam (aka prostate check), or dental appointment should be scheduled. We are the first ones to push our husbands, fathers, and little gents through the exam room door when they are more ill than they will admit. We are the caretakers, armed with chicken noodle soup and Kleenex. We aren’t afraid to talk about the sensitive topics-men’s mental health, testicular cancer, and prostate cancer included. We are the ones encouraging our men to grow a “Mo” in the first place!

So here are a few ways that you can continue to make a difference for the men in your life.Attractive Man Breathing OutdoorKettlebell In Young Man's Hand

  1. Join a Team as a “Mo Sista” to raise awareness and money for men’s health treatment and research
  2. Convince the men in your life to GROW a MO
  3. Continue to encourage your men to have routine health check-ups, including testicular exams, mood assessments, and YES, even PROSTATE checks.
  4. Encourage the men in your life (including your little ones) to eat a healthy diet and exercise routinely
  5. Make Movember fun for your kids and yourself by wearing trendy clothes sporting mustaches and by picking up some rad mustache inspired toys (Yes, I have a few favorites picks of my own that I’m willing to share. Stay tuned for an upcoming blog!)cute baby with moustaches

While you may not be able to grow a mustache this November, you can still be an influential part of the Movember campaign for men’s health. Make it fun. Make it stylish. Change the face of men’s health!

For more information, cute clothes and toys, and to join our team, don’t forget to click on the highlighted links!




You Can’t Camouflage the Cuteness…4 camo styled looks for your little Jane

I love versatile clothing. Jeans of course top the chart, but this season, camo pants are giving jeans a run for their money. And, just because it’s camouflage, it doesn’t mean that your sweet little girl has to sport a militant look. Here are a few fun ways to style your little Jane. I’ve included the sources and links for each item that is still available. Since some are no longer in stock, you may have to do some good old “fashion hunting” of your own! I know cheesy, but did you catch my pun??? Hunting…Camo…Fashion…I am going to stop now!

1. Pink is Every TomBoy’s Best Friend

Mixing and matching girly pieces with camo creates a fun and unexpected look. Bright pink always pops against muted camouflage greens, and the simplicity of white lets the rest of the outfit do the talking. Add in some gold accessories to give this outfit a chic twist.Diptic Diptic1) Pink tassel top-Baby Gap 2)Pink Ruffle Cardigan-Baby Gap Outlet 3)Camouflage skinny pants-Old Navy 4)Headband-Local Boutique but similar items found at Avry Couture Creations 5)Gold Shoes- See Kai Run Kalia Mary Jane (Infant/Toddler) 6) Faux Fur Coat-Restoration Hardware Baby

2. This is Plum Delicious! 

Purple never looked so fabulous! My favorite purple to pair with camo is PLUMB! Gorgeous! For a casual but super cute look, layer a chunky knit sweater over a simple cream onsie. Slide on the camo pants and then glam it up a bit with some gold shoes. I love that these Blossom shoes complete the look with an understated pop of purple!

Diptic1)Button up sweater in plumb with little ears-Mini Boden 2) Cream Onsie-Go Gently Baby Organic Girls World Tee in Soft White, 4T 3)Camo pants-Old Navy 4)Gold and purple shoes-Livie & Luca Blossom Climbing Shoe (Toddler)

3. Holiday Cheer…All Year! 

Red and Green were meant to be soul mates, so why not mix and match your favorite camo pieces with a red sweater, shoes, headband, or overcoat. Throwing in a simple denim piece gives this outfit just the right balance. And, a super sweet tam is always chic. Diptic Diptic1)Camouflage skinny pants-Old Navy 2)Red Wool Overcoat-Burberry 3)Red flower and feather headband-Avry Couture Creations 4)Red Sparkle Tiny TOMS SHOES- Kids Tiny Mary Jane Red Glitter 10000741 5)Chambray/denim top-Baby Gap 6)Cream Tam-Baby Gap

4. Bedazzled is Always Better! 

Dress it up with some sparkle and fur! Creams, gold, silver sparkles, furry layers…all perfect ways to dress up a simple pair of camo pants. Start with a cream top that has one added girly feature (in this case I chose puff sleeves, but you could find one with gold embroidery, a peter pan collar, or stylish cuffs), add a faux fur vest, and then a sparkly belt and some baby Uggs or gold shoes. Since I didn’t have a belt handy, I improvised by using this fabulous headpiece. A simple bow in the back and voila!Diptic

1)Cream shirt with puff sleeves-Matilda Jane 2)Faux fur vest-Target 3)Embellished belt/Headpiece-Avry Couture Creations 4)Gold Shoes-See Kai Run Kalia Mary Jane (Infant/Toddler) 5)Toddler Side Button Boot-UGG Australia Infants’ and Kids’ Bailey Button Shearling Boots 6) Camo skinny jean-Old Navy

Get creative with your camo styling and don’t be afraid to take risks. Don’t forget to comment with your camo styling tips and post your pics of your little girls in their camo on The Mom in Me, MD Facebook page! And, don’t forget to CLICK on the HIGHLIGHTED LINKS to find the products still available for purchase.



