Letting the Simple Joys in Life Warm Your Heart in the Midst of Infertility

Life isn’t always easy. These days, infertility is on my brain…all the time. Surgery, road trips to my specialist, daily injections, countless pills, transvaginal ultrasounds, upcoming embryo transfers, GIANT medical bills, and IV lines that take 3-4 attempts (I’ve got the bruises to prove it!) etc. etc. I wish that I could say that I handle it all with grace each day, but I’ve got mood swings that could rival any menopausal woman! I try to blame it on the hormones, but I’m fairly sure that stress is playing a significant part in how I feel each day. Instead of getting bitter with my journey, I’m trying (key word being “trying”) to shift my focus onto the many blessings, triumphs, and simple joys that fill my daily life.Diptic Diptic

This may sound trite or like I’m trying to push my pain under the rug-neither of which are the case. I’m still letting myself grieve, get mad, get frustrated, vent, and cry over the journey that is before me, but I’m also choosing to see the beautiful things that are happening right now. I don’t want to be so consumed with infertility that I alienate my husband, ignore my friends, and forget the answered prayer (in the form of a precious two-year old side-kick) that is begging for my undivided attention.

So, I thought that I would highlight my most recent simple joys. Make a list of your own. It doesn’t make everything okay…but, it does shine a little light in the darkness. I will take every glimmer that I can get!

1. Being able to laugh at the little creatures who are already in my house


2. Being amazed that my dog is okay with being a pet pony most daysDiptic

3. Loving that I have someone to help me with my hat!Diptic

4. Getting to play hide and seek with a masterDiptic

5. Ending the day with the most amazing husband a girl could ask for (even if I make him feel like he couldn’t possibly understand what I’m going through)!

6. Going out to dinner as a family (without a baby sitter:) because it makes things so much more interesting when pasta sauce is everywhere! And, knowing that my husband will shave his mustache when MOVEMBER is over!!!!! Diptic

7. Figuring out inexpensive and creative ways to have fun together while on an infertility budget! Who knew that kicking a ball in the backyard on a chilly day could make all three of us giggle?

I haven’t perfected dealing with infertility, but I’m doing my best to keep living a full life in the midst of it! For more on my infertility journey, don’t forget to head to my home page and click on the INFERTILITY link.

